Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Rocky Crowing

with 4 comments

I haven’t heard it in person yet but by Cyndie’s description, our little cockerel is working on his crowing. Yesterday, while I was at work, she texted to report “Rocky the Roo crowed three times”! At that point, I had yet to receive the sound file she included, so I simply relied on her words.

While reviewing my messages last night, in search of another of her fabulous photos to include here, I saw the recording had loaded. I don’t have the up-to-date know-how that would allow me to add the actual sound bite to this post, but I expect I will be able to share a recording eventually. Certainly, as Rocky gains mastery and consistency, I plan to capture some video of his skills, but for now, you’ll have to settle for my description.

His little learning crow was cuuu-uute! In fact, it was tri-syllables that phonetically sounded like: Err-a-errrrr.

Now, just combine that sound with the vision in this image and you get a fine taste of the idyllic life we are enjoying lately at our little paradise.

Yep, that’s Delilah lying in a “socially distanced” position away from the chicken coop.

This all serves as a welcome cleanser of my brain after having witnessed a few too many minutes of the Presidential debate last night that was far from anything resembling presidential.




Written by johnwhays

September 30, 2020 at 6:00 am

4 Responses

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  1. It’s a small world!

    Ian Rowcliffe

    October 1, 2020 at 4:15 am

  2. John, I would guess that adding a sound file would be no different than a video. You could also upload it to YouTube and then just link to it.


    September 30, 2020 at 10:47 am

    • You are correct! I just needed the time to figure out some details, starting with extracting it from the iPhone text message where it arrived to me. Then I wanted to trim the file and convert it. I hope to include it in tomorrow’s post! Thanks for the added inspiration to tackle these steps.


      September 30, 2020 at 5:31 pm

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