Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Swimming Deeper

with 4 comments

While I was watching the third stage of the Tour de France bike race, Cyndie was outside walking Asher. I spotted them down at the beach and was happy she had him playing in the water again. Soon after, I heard Cyndie calling for him. Then I heard her calling for me to go after him from above.

Asher had decided to take off down the shoreline to our west. I had just started into the woods between our place and the next property over when I heard shouting from the island out in our bay. People there had seen our dog run up from the lake toward the house above.

Eventually, I was able to nab Asher and get him home in time to watch the finish of the day’s bike race. Later in the afternoon, at a time when the beach was sparsely populated, Cyndie and I took Asher back to the water with a 30-foot leash to keep him from running off.

It had become a very hot day and I was happy to immerse myself in the water where I could coax our pup to do the same. Asher showed great interest in coming out to meet me but quickly turned around after just a few paddles in the deep water. It was interesting to witness the look of apprehension on his face as he experimented with the new adventure.

We got him to swim further and longer with each invitation but he always wanted to turn as soon as possible to get back where he could stand again. The funniest behavior he displayed was his urge to do the classic doggy body shake to get the water off his coat even though he was still standing almost to his neck in the lake.

After a busy day of new activities, Asher showed more interest than usual in doing some power lounging on the couch in the porch.

I think he is adjusting well to the pace of life up at the lake.




Written by johnwhays

July 4, 2023 at 6:00 am

4 Responses

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  1. Certainly seems like an enjoyable way to spend time.

    Jim Parker

    July 4, 2023 at 9:11 am

    • It certainly is, Jim. The challenges of constant management of the new pup are taxing us both at times lately but in the grand scheme of things, we are living a charmed life.


      July 4, 2023 at 10:18 pm

      • Our “new” pup has been with us for over a year now and we are still learning to live with him.

        Jim Parker

        July 5, 2023 at 8:47 pm

      • Oy. That would make for a looong year in my opinion!


        July 6, 2023 at 11:02 am

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