Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for April 2012

Minding Months

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We’ve reached the end of April. Tomorrow will be the month of May, 2012. It fascinates me that, to my perception, every single month seems to arrive sooner than my mind expects it should.

Since it happens every month, shouldn’t my mind gradually adjust to it, such that the perception would begin to come across as normal, not increasingly too soon?

I’m curious how, or even if, my perception would be different if we didn’t break the days of the year into 12-month blocks. If I just counted the days in a year, would the numbers appear to climb at an increasingly rapid rate?

It’s all relative something. Like all things, the move from one month to the next can be seen as happening both quick, and at the same time, surprisingly slow.

Tomorrow will be May. Summer is not far beyond that. Today is all April. I will enjoy the rest of April for everything it has to offer.

It seems like the rest of the month went by really fast.

Written by johnwhays

April 30, 2012 at 7:00 am

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Effortless Thought

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Noticing what comes to mind this morning, but not really putting any effort toward structuring the thoughts with reason or rhyme.

I seem to be tolerating well enough living in our house alone, while my wife works in a city 1500 miles away.






Living in a house under repair/redecoration is a great motivator for recognition of the value of feng shui.

If I don’t see crap that is broadcast on television, I free my mind from unwanted influence.

I am sentimental, yet I feel prepared to jettison much of the miscellany that I have collected over my lifetime.

It is way too easy to lose connection with people who were part of my life, but simple to keep trinkets.

When I lose motivation to prepare my own food, the quality of my meals plummets.

Allowing myself to be isolated inside the disrupted living quarters on a gray, rainy day, drains motivation.

Trying to catch up with sleep deprivation can make a Saturday disappear uneventfully.

Watching spectator sports is greatly enhanced when shared with like-minded fans.

It takes motivation to become energized to attend a social event.

When a Saturday has dwindled away, it makes Sunday feel way to close to Monday, and the work-week.

Music of favored artists is a wonderful motivator.

Sunshine is also a good motivator and a balm that soothes.

I am resonating with the idea that less is more.

Wondering if I could generate a more meaningful post by writing less.

Written by johnwhays

April 29, 2012 at 8:55 am

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Words on Images

Written by johnwhays

April 28, 2012 at 9:59 am

Three Shouts

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There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of free time in my days of late, but when I can steal a few minutes for leisure reading, I have been following the activity of a current expedition on the mountain that Sherpas call, Sagarmatha, (Mount Everest). I want to give a shout out to the sources of information, daily providing almost real-time reports from the individuals taking part in the adventure.

There are others up there, but the expedition I am watching is co-sponsored by The North Face and National Geographic, with support from Montana State University.

The Mayo Clinic is also involved in doing research on the members, and providing some blog posts, so I suppose I should say this post is four shouts (three shouts just sounds better).

There is some fascinating reading at the sites I have linked to above, and also plenty of really great images captured. I encourage you to take a peek of your own. The North Face blog is mixing in other content, so you may have to scroll down some posts to find the Everest reports. I have found the writing of all the participants to be really high quality. Well worth the read.

It is interesting for me to think back to the discomfort I experienced at a fraction of the elevation they call home for a couple months. It is a special breed of people who do what these explorers are doing at, and above Everest Base Camp.

For inspiration, I’m throwing in one of my favorite shots that I captured of Himalayan peaks (not Everest).

Written by johnwhays

April 27, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle

Second Phases

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We are well into phase II of our home project. If you are a new reader, my wife and I have hired professionals to freshen up our house in preparation of offering it up for sale.

The completion of phase I was very rewarding and led to a fair amount of cleaning and packing while Cyndie was home last weekend. Now, I am alone again, and phase II work is creating a return of an unfortunate amount of white dust from the sanding of drywall repairs, and the lingering unpleasant smell.

The first time around, that smell was perceived as progress. This time, fatigue has me thinking about it with a little less enthusiasm. I am really looking forward to the conclusion of sanding, painting, and new carpet installation.

Others have suggested the possibility that these improvements will lead to us wanting to keep the house, because it will look so good. We are both open to that possibility. We are fortunate, in that we don’t have to sell right away. We’ll test the waters, but if the interest isn’t there, I have no problem continuing to live in this house by myself.

I’m definitely not being very rough on the place, so any improvements we make now should still look fresh if we hold on to the house for another year or two. It also means we have the luxury of being choosy about the horse property of which we are dreaming!

I have no idea how long Cyndie will be able to endure the struggles of trying to accomplish some success in Boston, so that aspect of our future could end up being decided before we even get around to changing our living accommodations. Either way, the house will be ready, and I will be ready.


Speaking of ‘second phases,’ the entertaining Stanley Cup playoffs of the NHL will soon be entering the Conference semi-finals. I have lost most of the teams in which I had interest. Out are the Chicago Blackhawks, Detroit Redwings, Pittsburgh Penguins, and last year’s champion, the Boston Bruins. Tonight, there will be two game-sevens, out of which there is only one team I would care to watch in the next round: the New York Rangers, because former Minnesota Wild center Marian Gaborik now plays for them.

It will be interesting to see if I stay engaged enough to keep watching the games as the playoffs continue, if I no longer feel a connection to any of the teams involved. That would be sad. I might have to get off the couch and actually go out and get my own exercise. Now that I’ve given up my thrice-weekly morning indoor soccer games, my exercise regimen is uncharacteristically thin.

I will need to enter the next phase of my over-50 workout program… more bicycling! That would be smart, since I hope to be appropriately prepared for a week of cycling in June, when the annual Jaunt with Jim ride happens. Yay to sleeping in tents and getting up before the sun for a whole week of vacation! It’s a good thing the people on the ride are so great, it makes it worth any discomfort we may face.

Written by johnwhays

April 26, 2012 at 7:00 am

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Words on Images

Written by johnwhays

April 25, 2012 at 7:00 am


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Written by johnwhays

April 24, 2012 at 7:00 am

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Words on Images

Written by johnwhays

April 23, 2012 at 7:00 am

More Progress

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Discovered this 20-something-year-old message on the back of Elysa’s bedroom door. It is a pleasant reminder of raising kids in this house we are cleaning up to sell. Soon, this place will be ready for the next young parents looking for a place to spend their child-rearing years…

The amount of things that Cyndie had stored in the closets of the kid’s two bedrooms surprised even me. You’d think I would know better by now. We are hoping to ‘stage’ the house for photos and then actual presentation to potential buyers. It is looking like we will need to find some storage space for the excess furniture and typical variety of other appurtenances that have accumulated over the last two and a half decades here.

My occasional de-cluttering efforts over the years have been trivial.


Written by johnwhays

April 22, 2012 at 8:34 am

Posted in Chronicle

Sweet Progress

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Well, dear readers, I am happy to report sweet relief in my struggle to endure the chaos of the piles of inverted furniture stuffed into our library room. On top of that blessing, this weekend I am enjoying the company of my wife, Cyndie, home for her once-a-month visit from Boston.

With Cyndie’s unparalleled energy for managing chaos, in just one day so far, I have seen rapid progress in the tasks necessary for us to show our house to potential buyers. I tend to take care of one thing at a time, and often neglect to notice the next thing lingering beyond, soon to need attention. Even though I try to think ahead to a point that will keep me from doing things twice, I am being reminded that I don’t visualize to the depth that Cyndie does.

She really wanted to go get more boxes this morning, but I had a strong desire to just focus on the immediate task at hand: getting the furniture out of the last two bedrooms, to make room for the drywall company to scrape the textured ceilings and prepare the rooms for paint. I made her go up to the rooms with me, so I could show her what needed to be done, and why we shouldn’t need boxes. She took me to the closet, which won’t need any attention from the drywall or paint crews, but will need to be cleared for the carpet installers.

“You need to go get some boxes,” I said.

In some ways, the progress is scary fast. Phase II of the drywall work starts Monday, and painting could start by the end of the week. If everything falls into place, the carpet could be installed by the end of the following week, and we would be ready for a final clean-up (Cyndie’s specialty) to begin showing the house. Unfortunately, Cyndie won’t be back again until Memorial weekend, and the plan there was to head up to the lake place for a getaway. There is no space in the schedule for her to ply her magic in final preparations around here.

That leaves this weekend, which means a lot more work, in a very short span of time. That’s more work than I realized we were facing.

Speaking of which, I gotta go! There’s work to be done!

Written by johnwhays

April 21, 2012 at 9:02 am

Posted in Chronicle