Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Madness Happens

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There must be a law of physics that can explain the difference that exists between regular season college basketball games and the NCAA tournament games that happen in March. Even though I have no allegiance to fuel my interest, I can’t help but be drawn into the excitement of these tournament games. During the regular season, I don’t find anything the least bit interesting in games between two random schools.

Sweet 16, elite 8, final 4… I love ’em all, especially when there is a lower seeded underdog team making a run, knocking out powerful schools with storied pasts. Every game seems to have one or two individuals with heartening tales that add depth to the already exciting entertainment.

Our state high school tournament is this weekend and switching back and forth between the two graphically reveals the development that happens to young men between their late teens and early twenties. Those high school players are just boys, compared to the college players that look like men.

Of course, some of the split-second decisions those college guys make in the games could be seen to support the research that indicates brain development is not complete until about age 25.

Written by johnwhays

March 24, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle

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