Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for March 23rd, 2012

Everest Thinking

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I stayed up a bit later than I should last night, watching our state high school basketball tournament, the Minnesota Wild NHL hockey game, and 4 NCAA basketball tournament games, while simultaneously playing 4 different games of “Words with Friends” against 3 other people. That is, after I played guitar for a couple of hours.

I never got my head around thinking about what today’s blog post would be about, partially because I was also distracted by a book my daughter gave me that has my mind on Nepal again. I’m reading, “Detectives on Everest” about the 2001 Mallory and Irvine research expedition.

Yesterday, my friend, Pam, pointed me to a great photo at National Geographic’s site, where I discovered their coverage of a 2012 expedition. I have never had any interest in climbing the highest mountain on earth, but I sure love reading about the experiences of others who do.

Take a moment to check out all the amazing photos and other information at the National Geographic site covering Everest:

Everest 2012



Written by johnwhays

March 23, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle