Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for March 18th, 2012

Inspiring Visit

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With Cyndie home for the weekend, and the weather almost summer-like, we let our hearts lead us to the one thing we both felt drawn toward: a visit with the horses. We were doubly rewarded to find kindred spirits present with a similar agenda of wanting to just be with the horses. Inspired conversation blossomed on a variety of topics related to learning, ranging from Cyndie’s current situation in Boston, to the opportunities available beyond the conventional (outside the box) to provide meaningful lessons to the full range of styles of learning and processing information.

As I stood back, observing the verbal explorations, I witnessed the horses reaction to the changing dynamics of the conversation. When I pulled out the camera in attempt to capture what I was seeing, the animals reacted and the scene was altered, but for some time, there were two horses, in particular, that stood at the fence with ears forward, fully absorbing the vocal exchanges.

It was beautiful to witness the similar interest to be in each other’s company. The people wanted to be with the horses, and the horses wanted to be with the people.

Out of the conversations of the afternoon, one enticing tidbit for me was the idea of learning equine body language and, more importantly, how human body language is interpreted by horses. The teachings of Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling was referenced. After we got home, I watched a video of Klaus dancing with a horse and immediately recognized this as appearing strikingly similar to how Ian Rowcliffe, in Portugal, looks when he interacts with his horses.

It is inspiring, to say the least.

Written by johnwhays

March 18, 2012 at 9:44 am

Posted in Chronicle

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