Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for March 6th, 2012

Poem Revisited

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Here is a poem from the archives of almost a decade ago. Written December, 2002, it is a bit cryptic, which I think I have been doing less of lately. I rarely titled my creations back then, and this remains untitled.


I and then and when and now
an intense sense around all that ow
hardly fits thin shift lacy asterisk
faded glare beamed toward yellowed stare
ruffled by warmish gusts dusty western air
lilting movement up weightless wafting down
outside in and spinning round
it’s been since then you let me down
bright white light of sun on snow
can’t stop a sneeze that wants to show
how near the path a signal swerves
shouting out as if you had the nerve
it matters not you’d thought to cry
seven times less since you couldn’t tell why
be it days or weeks and a wealth of years
it’s a creekbed bone dry while you’re still wet behind ears



Written by johnwhays

March 6, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Creative Writing

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