Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Helpless Feeling

with 3 comments

Waiting, powerless, for nature to take its course and drape our trees with heavy burdens of ice and then snow, is a real exercise, but not one that is very rewarding. I am always fascinated with dramatic weather events, but when a storm involves the slow stress of accumulating ice on otherwise innocent tree branches, my fascination becomes tumbled with a bit of anxiety. Presently, this region is beset with an ugly, grumbling winter storm. Trees are drooping big time.

What can I do? I binged on a few extra Girl Scout cookies last night that were left as gifts by guests of our weekend event. It doesn’t quite solve the helpless feeling, but it massages the pleasure centers of taste and texture, providing a temporary distraction. (All those good intentions of last week, where I walked and exercised every day, diminished, by a moment of weakness.)

We have lived in the house on this lot for about 25 years. Just 3 days ago, Cyndie and I met with a realtor to begin the process of selling this home, and buying a horse farm. It would be a shame to lose trees any time, but right now would be very unfortunate timing. I won’t be available to clean up downed timber. I am tasked with removing wallpaper.

What is the deal with wallpaper? When it was installed during our remodel, it was the crowning achievement. It finished the rooms beautifully. All the comments we received were positive.

Now that it is time to sell, wallpaper has got to go. Out with it before somebody sees it!

What changed?

Why do people even bother putting wallpaper up if they are going to have to take it back down again, and it is such a pain to remove? I don’t understand “decorating.”

Drooping tree limbs. Wallpaper that has fallen out of favor. They both give me a helpless feeling.

Written by johnwhays

February 29, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle

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3 Responses

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  1. The wallpaper won’t be such a problem: you just slap on some water with a big brush and off it peels. The problem comes next: what are you going to do with those spotted walls? Often people will apply, a simple white wallpaper to even up the surface as a ‘quick’ solution and then apply a coat of paint. Yes, lots of work.

    What about selling your house as it is? It is possible that someone might really love wall paper after seeing so many plain painted walls and passing them over. In the old days, we would keep back some rolls of the original paper, just to paper the most warn areas.

    A really long shot would be to find your ideal horse farm and put forward your house as payment. In that way, you can save unnecessary renovation costs at both ends.

    Ian Rowcliffe

    February 29, 2012 at 8:34 am

    • You and I truly are kindred spirits, Ian. I am of a mind to present the house “as is” and let the excited new owners redesign to their hearts content. I am in the minority on that perspective.
      Love the suggestion for quick fix. Seems sensible to me! Luckily, we have small amounts of wallpaper to be dealt with. My disdain for it tends to present it as a larger problem than it really is.


      February 29, 2012 at 8:44 am

      • Your distain is very reasonable in this situation because what tends to happen is that new owners redecorate all over again, anyway. And clearly, from your point of view and perspective, you want to invest your forces in your new home. Makes perfect sense!

        Ian Rowcliffe

        March 1, 2012 at 3:13 pm

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