Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for February 26th, 2012

Sleep Well

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One thing I have discovered, after having had a couple of months on my own… I sleep really well when I am alone. ‘Nuff said.

Today dawns sunny and relatively calm, despite days of forecast that we would get snowfall. I expect it is now scheduled to happen later in the day. I remember taking note about Sunday’s weather, because this is the day that Cyndie will be flying back to Boston. We have had a wonderful few days back together again, but our time together now is limited.

Last night we played hosts to a gathering of family, friends and neighbors who took advantage of Cyndie’s brief visit home and stopped by to hear some of her stories. I suggested people come find out if she is developing a Boston accent, but I don’t think anyone really thought for a second that she would have been so influenced.

Having people come to her was a great treat for Cyndie and she had a wonderful time, thanking me over and over for suggesting the idea. It pays off for me, because, instead of her running off to see all her friends when she gets home for a visit (leaving me alone, even though she is here in town), I am still with her. Not to mention, I have a windfall of a variety of leftover foods to eat after everything is over and Cyndie leaves again.

I will be sad to see her go, but it won’t be too distressing, as she has already purchased 5 more flights home in the coming months. Knowing we have regular visits scheduled each month will make the weeks between, much easier for me to manage.

In the mean time, I will make an extra effort to pay attention to the blessings of an uninterrupted night’s sleep.

Written by johnwhays

February 26, 2012 at 10:17 am

Posted in Chronicle