Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for February 25th, 2012

Glorious Day

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I had a grand time yesterday, together with my wife again! Since I took the day off work, it felt like a holiday for me. We picked up this week’s Birdsong Soup, went out for breakfast at The Original Pancake House in Eden Prairie, then had a nice walk in a local park. We did a couple of shopping errands, had soup for lunch, and then went out to visit the horses. After that, we enjoyed a couples massage appointment, followed by take-out Chinese dinner from Dragon Jade restaurant in Glen Lake. We ordered the movie, “Tower Heist” on demand from cable TV and laughed our way through it. Finished off the day watching Foo Fighters: Back and Forth documentary online at Hulu. The day was so nice, I felt pangs of regret that it would make me feel reeeally lonely on Monday after she heads back to Boston again. Knowing that I should be living in the moment, I quickly dashed the thought and got back to enjoying the heck out of a totally glorious day!

Written by johnwhays

February 25, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle

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