Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for February 15th, 2012

Mission Accomplished!

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After all that anxiety over sugar and salt yesterday, I simplified last night and ate a basic dinner of meat, potatoes, and a vegetable. Mike came over and we fired up the grill at a time of year when grilling outside isn’t usually the way we cook around here. I’m certainly not going hungry while Cyndie is in Boston. My friends are taking good care of me. Look what Mike whipped up within minutes of arriving:

Unfortunately, I didn’t pause to get a picture of the delectable meal that Pam cooked in my kitchen on the prior Friday. She served up Filo Pastries, couscous and a salad with lots of goodies in it, finished off with key lime pie. Over-the-top goodness!

Speaking of over-the-top, and Cyndie in Boston… the kids and I wanted to send a message of love yesterday and figured we should do it with flowers. In Boston, who better to help us with that, than family? Our very own angel brother-in-law, Carlos, took our request to do something that would demonstrate how big our love for Cyndie is and created a Valentine’s Day love bouquet extraordinaire!

I was just starting to get anxious to hear something when Carlos sent me a message with the subject: Mission Accomplished! How perfect. He provided photos so we could have an image of what Cyndie was raving about when she called to acknowledge our gesture. This is the most exotic and beautiful Valentine I have ever given Cyndie. Thank you, Carlos!! I owe you, big time.

The call from Cyndie, verifying the success of the project, followed shortly after his email. Ain’t love GRAND!

Photo courtesy of Carlos Colon

Written by johnwhays

February 15, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle