Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for February 13th, 2012

Songs Sung

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I’m in a bit of a fog, buzzing still from last night’s broadcast of the 54th GRAMMY awards show. It had me staying up a bit late for a night before my morning soccer. That, and from all the tributes being offered in memory of Whitney Houston over the weekend. The Grammy’s had so many live performances, there hardly seemed but a handful of awards presented during the broadcast this year. I think I approve.

What caught my attention? Opening song by Bruce Springsteen and his band. Paul McCartney performing, (how come it looked like he had no idea what the beat was when he clapped along to other people’s performances?). Foo Fighters. Chris Brown’s dance number and the creative graphics projected on the set. I didn’t know Bruno Mars before last night, what a cool performance that was. The Beach Boys together again! Adele’s return to singing after throat surgery. The tribute to Glen Campbell. It was a good year.

Let’s hear it for recorded music, old and new!

Written by johnwhays

February 13, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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