Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for February 8th, 2012

Random Thoughts

with 2 comments

Can it be called stalking if you are married?

Funny or fantastic things are funnier or more fantastic when you have someone to share them with.

Why won’t she answer?

Jigsaw puzzles become incredibly more difficult to assemble after eyesight no longer focuses short distances.

Back in the 1800s, when February temperatures climbed 20° above freezing in this area, did people worry about global warming?

I wonder if Bradying will become the craze that Tebowing was.

How many text messages is too many when not receiving a reply?

How much can you tell about a person from what they wonder about?

Do drivers who don’t use turn signals to indicate their plan to turn ever get bugged by drivers in front of them who don’t use turn signals?

Is it possible to discern what the last thought is before falling asleep?

How do I know when its just a thought, and not the first dream of my night’s sleep?

Some men would love to have 4-days of the silent treatment from their wives.

Is there an age limit for having imaginary friends?

Was it possible to misspell things when taking dictation using “shorthand?”

What makes a person suddenly think of “shorthand” when they haven’t had a thought about it in decades?

If you don’t think about something, are you less inclined to miss it?

Random doesn’t mean there won’t be a theme.

If you don’t have anything nice to think, don’t think anything at all.

Two can play at this game.

If two are playing this game, how would you know they are both playing?

Why won’t she answer my calls?

Written by johnwhays

February 8, 2012 at 7:00 am