Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for January 17th, 2012

Mesmerizing Media

with 2 comments

On Sunday evening, Julian came over and brought a pizza dinner and we watched some football together. Doesn’t hardly get any better than that. Oh, but it did! He applied his craft of tech-savvy wizardry and loaded some software on my computers and devices and suddenly I’ve got music and images all over the place!

The screen saver that pops up on the computer in our library explores and randomly displays any photo uploaded on that CPU. We have our large flat screen television wired to also function as a display for that computer. Now I can control the music from my shared iTunes library via my iPad and watch a slide show of a wild collection of pictures. I’m finding it totally mesmerizing.

I have always loved the combination of music played to a slide show of images. Being able to see the huge number of pictures that have accumulated on my hard drive in this random fashion is fascinating. So many of them surprise me. I don’t recall taking a lot of them.

I find myself struck dumb by the images playing on the big screen with the music filling the house. I just sit and stare. Maybe I’ll call in sick to work today…

There is an interesting advantage/disadvantage to the random aspect of the image selection. Because the screen saver scours the hard drive for any image, it is pulling out images I didn’t even know I had. That’s part of what makes this so much fun for me. However, ‘random’ also means no order, so it can repeat images sooner than I would choose for it to, if I were programming an intentional show. Also, I still have plenty of images on there that probably should have been discarded; partly because they just didn’t turn out, and partly to protect the dignity of some innocent people. I didn’t really mean to capture the ones with the person’s mouth open/eyes drooping/cleavage advertised/hair in their face/butt showing, etc…

That might need some tweaking before I make this a feature I share with visiting guests. Maybe I need to start having people sign a waiver when I am taking photos.

Written by johnwhays

January 17, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle