Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for January 13th, 2012

Underdog Triumphs

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Something in my mind had me thinking I would have more time to accomplish things like writing, with no one in the house to distract me. I may have more time to myself, but more writing doesn’t seem to be happening.

I did have a rare mid-week opportunity to catch Cyndie on FaceTime last night, which proved to be a very pleasant distraction. Guess what. Work is really hard, she is working late into the evenings, felt like quitting on Monday, and had some good results to report by Thursday. I think that is the same description I got from her last week. At least her reports are ending on a positive note.

But mostly, I think the time for writing, lately, is getting lost in the total freedom I have to watch any and every sports broadcast on television in the evenings. Somehow, the Gopher men’s basketball team survived a strong comeback attempt by the Hoosiers last night to upset Indiana, in Indiana! Going into the game, Minnesota was winless in Big 10 conference competition and the Indiana team was ranked #7 or 8 in the entire country. Sometimes team competitions defy logic. I guess that’s why they play the games, and why people like me enjoy watching.

It’s kind of like the posts in Relative Something. They defy logic. You need to check it out each day in case there is some big upset and the underdog triumphs!

So far, so good. This underdog is winning a lot more often than he is losing, in this game of life. I even have pictures to show for it. Here is one that turned out just the way I hoped it would when I composed and shot it. Dueling points of perspective:

Written by johnwhays

January 13, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle, Images Captured

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