Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for January 10th, 2012

Who Cares

with 2 comments

It truly amazes me how some events draw so much passionate attention from what can appear to be a universal audience, but which is not a universal audience at all. Some people will be entirely consumed by the Republican primary election being held in New Hampshire today. Media is offering minute-by-minute analysis. News reports cover it like there is nothing else worth talking about. I will be among those who don’t give it any attention.

Last night, college football held their BCS National Championship game at the Superdome in New Orleans. The pregame broadcast made it appear as if everyone who is anyone had made their way to the city they call ‘the big easy’ to be a part of this event. They mentioned that tickets for a seat in the stadium to see the game were going for $1800 – $5000 each. How does anyone but the top 1% income bracket afford that!? Even though the broadcasters rev up the hype, if a person wasn’t in New Orleans, and didn’t turn on a television, they could easily miss the fact that there was even a game last night. Those folks who missed it can be satisfied that they didn’t lose out on any dramatic entertainment. It was a lopsided, no-contest blowout.

Everyone should have a passion. Just don’t mistake your passion for something that all people share. It is a valuable exercise to keep that in mind about things that have the capacity to become all-consuming personal passions. There are plenty of people who have no interest in the things that can matter most to us.

Written by johnwhays

January 10, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle