Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for January 8th, 2012

A Week

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It has now been a week since Cyndie returned to Boston, leaving me on my own again in our house. It doesn’t feel quite so extreme to me any more. I’m already adjusted to living here alone. That became glaringly obvious to me from the shock I experienced trying to negotiate having her stuff in my space for 10-days over Christmas and New Year’s.

It is a little frustrating, coming off the recent excitement of seeing Cyndie work with horses, then so soon after, having her back working for the school district in Boston. The two scenarios are so unrelated. But there are opportunities for me to get excited by the stories Cyndie shares of her school work. We caught up with each other last Thursday and I learned she had been through two days with almost no sleep, but her diligent efforts lead to some dramatic progress toward what she is there to accomplish. She educates people in a way that changes lives.

Meanwhile, I am taking advantage of the fact that she didn’t take a car with her. I have learned that the nasty burning-smell-symptom of my car is due to a leaking head gasket which will cost more to remedy than I want to spend on the trusty old beast. My first thought was that it is time to buy a new vehicle, but I have no idea what to choose. Is it time for a truck, if we want to move to a horse farm? Should I get a high-mileage car for commuting to the day-job? Cyndie suggested a simple solution to buy time: just drive her car for the time being.

Isn’t she brilliant?

Written by johnwhays

January 8, 2012 at 10:13 am

Posted in Chronicle

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