Relative Something

*this* John W. Hays' take on things and experiences

Archive for January 2nd, 2012

Horse Fix

with 2 comments

I’d been waiting over a week since Cyndie got home to have her take me out to visit the horses of her friend. We finally found a chance on Saturday. It was a real treat to witness her interact with the animals again, and very special to see how the horses responded to her presence.





It was a relatively sunny day for the period of our visit, and, unfortunately, I was forced to shoot into the sun for most of my photos of the horses. I caught one shot of Cyndie in the sunlight, just entering the paddock to see if the horses would cross the distance for some attention.





Ever so slowly, the horses began to make their way over toward us.








At about this moment, I realized that the horses, after very methodically making their way across the field, moving with guarded purpose, now were politely lined up to take turns interacting with Cyndie.  It was really sweet.











Written by johnwhays

January 2, 2012 at 7:00 am

Posted in Chronicle

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